"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." – Mohandas Gandhi
Editorial Reviewer: American Journal of Botany, Biotropica, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Ecological Applications, Ecology, Evolution, Journal of Tropical Ecology, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Selbyana, and Tree Physiology.
Grant Reviewer: NSF (Conservation, Database, Systematic Biology, Population Biology and Physiological Ecology, Ecology, Computation Programs); National Geographic; Organization for Tropical Studies.
Grant Review Panels: NSF Database.
Advisory Boards: Board of Directors, New Mexico Geographic Information Council (Speaker Coordinator) (2003-2005); University of New Mexico Geography Curriculum Committee (2004); Scientific Advisory Board, Institute of Natural Resource Analysis and Management (INRAM), New Mexico State University (2003); Rocky Mt. Biological Laboratory (RMBL) Data Management System Committee (1997–98).
Workshops and Symposia Organized:
"The Bio-Atmospheric N Cycle: N Emissions, Transformations, Deposition, and Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts". Special Session, American Geophysical Union Meeting, December 10-14, 2007, San Francisco, CA, Co-organizers and Co-chairs: Stuart B. Weiss and P.M. Rich.
"Impact of Climate Variability and Extreme Weather on Ecosystem structure and Function across Spatiotemporal Scales ". Special Session, American Geophysical Union Meeting, December 11-15, 2006, San Francisco, CA, Co-organizers and Co-chairs: Christian Blodau, David D. Breshears, Klaus-Holger Knorr, P.M. Rich, and Amanda B. White.
"The Color of Snow and Its Interpretation from Remote Sensing". Seminar by Jeff Dozier (UCSB). July 31, 2006, LANL EES Frontiers in Geoscience Colloquium. Host: P.M. Rich.
"Big Sky Carbon Sequestration GIS/Carbon Atlas Planning Workshop", April 2-4, 2006, Salt Lake City, UT, Co-Organizers: P.M. Rich and Randy Lee.
"DOE Geospatial Science Expo", January 30 to February 10, 2006, Washington, DC, Co-organizers: Diane Timlin, Jeff Booth, James Bollinger, and P.M. Rich.
"Temporal and Spatial Variability in Coupled Ecological - Hydrological Processes". Special Session, American Geophysical Union Meeting, December 5-9, 2005, San Francisco, CA, Co-organizers and Co-chairs: Kelly Caylor, Salvatore Manfreda, and P.M. Rich.
"Multispectral Thermal Imagery and its Application to the Geologic Mapping of the Koobi Fora Formation, Northwestern Kenya". Seminar by M.K. Greene (LANL), November 22, 2005, LANL GIS Colloquium. Host: P.M. Rich.
"GIS and Emerging Infectious Diseases" and "GIS Analysis of Stream Planform Dynamics". Seminars by Thomas J. McTighe, November 8, 2005, LANL GIS Colloquium. Host: P.M. Rich.
Jemez Pueblo Walatowa High School presentations and hands-on experience with GIS, LANL GISLab. Session 1 "GISLab at LANL", October 19, 2005 -- P.M. Rich/Rick Kelley/Doug Walther: "Welcome and Overview"; Doug Walther/M.Greene: "Production GIS and GIS for geomorphology"; Gordon Keating/Rick Kelley: "GIS for volcanology, Yucca Mountain Project"; Marc Witkowski: "GIS for critical infrastructure protection"; Tom McTighe: "GIS for Epidemiology"; P.M. Rich: "GIS for water, carbon, and energy"; P.M. Rich/Rick Kelley/Doug Walther: "GIS in our future" discussion. Session 2, GIS exercise, October 26, 2005 -- Doug Walther, Rick Kelley, M.Greene, and Tom McTighe: "Introduction to GIS Data Sources and Cartography". Co-organizers: Richard E. Kelley, Doug Walther, and P.M. Rich.
"LandScan USA: High-Resolution Population Distribution Model", 27-June-2005, seminar by Budhendra Bhaduri (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), LANL EES Frontiers in Geoscience Colloquium, Co-hosts: P.M. Rich and Marc Witkowski.
"Location Decision Making: The Role of Uncertainty and GIS-Based Decision Support Systems", 26-May-2005, seminar by Richard Middleton (UCSB Geography), GISLab/EES-9 Seminar, Co-hosts: Gordon Keating and P.M. Rich.
"School Enrollment Projections: Incorporating Choice", 26-May-2005, seminar by Erin Middleton (UCSB Geography), GISLab/EES-9 Seminar; Co-hosts: P.M. Rich and Gordon Keating.
"Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: The Performance Effects of Process and Environmental Conditions", 24-May-2005, seminar by Sheila Van Cuyk (Colorado School of Mines), GISLab/EES-9 Seminar, Co-hosts: P.M. Rich and Marc Witkowski.
"Preference Learning of Geospatial Attributes Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Approach" and "Synergetic Use of Satellite Imagery and Ancillary Data for Impervious Surface Estimation in the Contiguous U.S." , 9-May-2005, seminars by Giorgos Mountrakis (USGS Fort Collins), GISLab/EES-9 Seminar, Co-hosts: Gordon Keating and P.M. Rich.
Jemez Pueblo Wallatowa High School presentations and hands-on experience with GIS, LANL GISLab. Session 1 "GISLab at LANL", April 13, 2005 -- P.M. Rich: "Welcome and Overview "; Gordon Keating: "GIS for carbon sequestration"; Marc Witkowski/Donatella Pasqualini: "GIS for critical infrastructure protection"; Doug Walther/Rick Kelley: "Production GIS and GIS for geomorphology studies"; Rick Kelley/Frank Perry: "GIS for the Yucca Mountain Project"; M.Ewers: "GIS for water resource management"; P.M. Rich: "GIS for microclimate and ecology"; P.M. Rich: "GIS in our future". Session 2, GIS exercise, April 20, 2005 -- Rick Kelley and Doug Walther: "Introduction to GIS Data Sources and Cartography". Co-organizers: Richard E. Kelley, Doug Walther, and P.M. Rich.
"Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data Implementation for the Analysis of Settlement Patterns in an Early Agricultural Society", 8-Feb-2005, Seminar by Jorge Sifuentes (UCSB Geography), GISLab/EES-9 Seminar, Co-hosts: Gordon Keating and P.M. Rich.
"Conservation and Environmental GIS". New Mexico Geographic Information Council (NMGIC) Fall Meeting, October 8, 2004, Albuquerque, NM; P.M. Rich, Speaker Coordinator. Tom Giermakowski (UNM): "Spatial mapping the growth potential of juvenile Galápagos tortoises (Geochelone nigrita) via remotely sensed imagery"; Kurt Menke (EDAC, UNM) and Melissa Grigione (Bordercats Working Group and USF): "Identifying priority conservation areas in the U.S. - Mexico border region for America's neotropical cats: jaguar, jaguarundi, and ocelot"; Larry Layne (UNM) "Spatial modeling and simulation of selected habitat variables for sage grouse habitat assessment"; Dallas Bash (Fort Bliss), Jeff Herrick (Jornada Range ARS), and Judy Ward (Jornada Range ARS): "Use of first difference spectral ratios in evaluating ecological condition of semiarid lands"; P.M. Rich (LANL), David Breshears (UA), and Kevin Price (KU), Neil Cobb (NAU), Jude Kastens (KU), Craig Allen (USGS), and Randy Balice (LANL), "Drought-induced mortality in semiarid woodlands"; John Barney (Sites Southwest & UNM); Joe Francis, Bill Jewell, and Thomas Whitlow (Cornell): "Visualizing ecosystem service values in GIS"; John F. Kennedy (NMSU), Richard Langford, and John W. Hawley: "Identification of recharge areas through paleohydrography reconstruction "; Leland J.S. Pierce (NMDGF) "What makes a great conservation map?"; Paul Neville (EDAC), Teri Neville (NHNM), and Kristine Johnson (NHNM): "Use of remote sensing and GIS to map lesser prairie chicken and sand dune lizard habitats in eastern New Mexico"; Natalie M. Runyan (NMSLO) "Species protection and land use management on State Trust Lands in the 'oil patch' of SE New Mexico"; Kevin Troutman (BCEH): "Use of GIS and GPS in the Bernalillo County Office of Environmental Health". Co-organizer: P.M. Rich.
"ZeroNet Kickoff Meeting", August 30-31, 2004, Albuquerque, NM. Cathy Wilson (LANL): "Welcome/Introduction"; Barbara Carney (NETL): "DOE Program Overview"; Cindy Murray (PNM): "Stakeholders in the Upper San Juan Basin"; All: "Stakeholder Communication Plan Discussion"; L.Weintraub (Systech): "WARMF Model"; Vince Tidwell (SNL): "Middle Rio Grande Model; Marc Witkowski and P.M. Rich (LANL): "Decision Support Tools"; Kent Zammit (EPRI): "Wet Surface Air Cooling"; Kent Zammit (EPRI) and Matt Lavery (PNM): "Produced Water Pipeline Project"; Jeri Sullivan (LANL): "Produced Water Treatment"; Janie Chermak (UNM): "Economics in Integrated Models"; Mike Hightower (SNL): "Produced Water Treatment and Desalination"; All: "Technology Discussion"; All: "ZeroNet Work Plan Discussion". Co-Organizers: P.M. Rich and Cathy J. Wilson.
"DOE GIS", August 9-13, 2004. Map Gallery Poster Session. ESRI International User Conference, San Diego. Co-organizers: James S. Bollinger and P.M. Rich.
"Frontiers in Environmental GIScience", March 1, 2004, seminar by Richard Aspinal, Director, Geographic Information & Analysis Center, Montana State University. EES Frontiers in Geoscience Symposium. P.M. Rich host.
"GIT: Then and Now, NMGIC's 20th Anniversary Celebration", April 15, 2004. New Mexico Geographic Information Council Fall Meeting, P.M. Rich, Speaker Coordinator. Amy Budge/Mike Inglis (UNM-EDAC): "20 Years of NMGIC: A Guided Tour through Time"; Keith Clarke (UCSB) "GIT: Past, Present, and Future" (keynote address); Stan Morain (UNM): "A Historical Perspective on GIT"; Dennis Fitzsimons (California State Humboldt): "Patience and Holistic Mapping: Pre-GIS Cartography"; Bill Stone: "New Mexico Then and Now"; Jack Dangermond (ESRI): "A Vision for the Future of GIT" (special guest speaker); Vendors Panel (Mick Garrett, Trimble, Jim Reilly, NMSU, Dennis Sandin, Bohannan Huston, Inc. BHI, John Steffenson, ESRI) "Evolution of the Industry"; Gar Clarke (NM OSE): "GIT Walk: the Evolutionary Junket of a User". Co-organizer: P.M. Rich.
"GIS: What’s the Big Picture? Adventures in Web Mapping", November 20, 2003, New Mexico Geographic Information Council Fall Meeting, P.M. Rich, Speaker Coordinator. Nathaniel Todea (USDA-NRCS): "Estimating Runoff Using NEXRAD Radar Data in Rural New Mexico"; Mark Romero (NMSU): "A Crime Mapping Study at the El Paso/Juarez Border"; Emily Clary (UNM-EDAC): "Mapping Potential Mosquito Habitat and at Risk Populations for West Nile Virus in Monterey, CA"; Marc Witkowski (LANL): "Enterprise GIS Design"; Jill Williams (Bernalillo County): "An ArcIMS Implementation"; John Lovato (Qwest): "Communications Planning Applications"; Karl Benedict (UNM-EDAC) "RGIS Web Interface"; Gar Clark (OSE): "Statewide Perspectives in GIS: OSE Viewpoints";Steve Lime (MDNR) - "UMN MapServer, OpenSource Web Mapping"; Jack Lloyd (Pima County, AZ) - "Data on Demand: Delivering GIS Information Over The Internet". Co-organizer: P.M. Rich.
"A Research Agenda for Environmental Science Collaboration", 10-11 June 2003, two-day workshop under the University of California at Santa Barbara - LANL Cooperative Agreement on Research and Education (CARE); day one: "The UCSB-LANL Cooperative Agreement: Past, Present, and Future of Environmental Science Collaborations"; day two: "Use of Science-Based Predictive Models to Inform Environmental Management". Organizers: K. Eggert and P.M. Rich (LANL), A. Keller and J. Dozier (UCSB).
"Modeling Land Use Change with Cellular Automata: Issues and Challenges", 15 May 2003, seminar by Keith Clarke, chair of Geography at UC Santa Barbara. EES Frontiers in Geoscience Symposium. organized by P.M. Rich.
"CORONA: The Missing Decade in the History of Remote Sensing", 15 May 2003, seminar by Keith Clarke, chair of Geography at UC Santa Barbara. NIS/EES joint seminar. organized by P.M. Rich.
"Where's the Water", 24-25 April 2003. New Mexico Geographic Information Council Spring Meeting, Co-sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory, P.M. Rich, Speaker Coordinator. John D'Antonio (NM State Engineer and Secretary of NMISC): "New Mexico Water Issues"; Everett Springer (LANL): "NM Water for Energy Initiative"; John Kennedy (NMWRRI): "Creating a Digital Hydrogeologic Framework Model of the Mesilla Basin"; Larry Winter (NCAR): "Virtual Watersheds: Coupled Basin-Scale Water Resource Models for Arid and Semiarid Regions; Randy Balice (LANL) "Drought Effects on Vegetation: Tree Mortality in Arid Woodlands"; Frank Titus (New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources): "Water Management for Really Smart People"; David Jordan (INTERA) and Peggy Barroll (Office of State Engineer): "Evaluation of Potential Riparian Evapotranspir ation Rates for the Carlsbad Area Groundwater Model Using GIS"; Lara Wood (TNC): "Classifying Canopy Closure and Successional Stage Using Landsat TM Imagery"; Kate Krause and Janie Chermak (UNM Dept of Economics): "Assessing Tradeoffs in Water Policy Using Integrated Modeling"; Jeff Simley (USGS NHD Program): "The National Hydrography Dataset for New Mexico"; Steve Hansen (Bureau of Reclamation): "Where’s the Water Going?"; John Barney (Sites Southwest) and April Fitzner (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers): "Imaging and Coordinating Ecosystem Restoration Planning: the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Middle Rio Grande Bosque Ecosystem Restoration Projects". Co-organizer/Speaker Coordinator: P.M. Rich.
"Augmenting geographic reality: origins and evolution of geographic information systems (GIS)", 18 April 2002, lecture by M. Goodchild, associated presentations and discussion, Los Alamos National Laboratory, organized by P.M. Rich.
"Geospatial Metadata Training", 28 August 2002, taught by Amy Budge (Manager of Clearinghouse Services, UNM Earth Data Analysis Center), and Rich Friedman (McKinley County GIS Center). Co-organizer: P.M. Rich.
"GIS and hydrologic modeling", 26 March 2002, one-day workshop in Los Alamos, NM, panelists: D. Djokic (ESRI), E. Keating, S. McLin, B. Robinson, and E. Springer, organized by P.M. Rich.
"GIS for homeland security", 28 February 2002, lecture by J. Dangermond (President, ESRI), associated presentations, GIS poster session, and discussions, Los Alamos National Laboratory, co-organized by P.M. Rich and K.S. Fenimore.
"University of California Natural Reserve System (UC-NRS): land stewardship, science, education, information management", 18 October 2001, lecture by A. Glazer (Director, UC-NRS), associated presentations and discussions, Los Alamos National Laboratory, organized by P.M. Rich.
"Costa Rica workshop on management of geospatial metadata", 9–10 March 1998, workshop in San Jose, Costa Rica, co–organized by P.M. Rich, T. Peterson, A. Sanchez, and M. Anthony.
"Establishment of a National Geospatial Data Node and metadata preparation" –– 13 January 1997, workshop at KU, co–organized by P.M. Rich, W. Marshall, and M. Anthony.
"Managing geospatial data on the web" –– 11 June 1996, one–day workshop at KU, co–organized by P.M. Rich, J. Whistler, D. Vieglais, M. Anthony, J. Klaver, and R. Quenzer.
"Techniques of hemispherical photography for analysis of canopy architecture and calculation of insolation" –– April 1996, workshop at Oxford University, co–organized by P.M. Rich, D.A. Vieglais, and T.C. Whitmore.
"Design of the hemispherical photography analysis program Hemiview", April 1996, workshop at Delta–T, Cambridge, England, co–organized by P.M. Rich, D.A. Vieglais, and R. Driver.
"Future of GIS for OTS", 7 February 1996, workshop at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, organized by P.M. Rich.
"Planning the future of conservation biology activities for the 'Coto Brus corridor', Costa Rica", 14–15 October 1995, workshop at KU, co–organized by P.M. Rich and D. Stone.
"Hemispherical Photography for Characterizing Canopy Architecture and Understory Light Regimes", February 1995, workshop at Duke University, organized by P.M. Rich.
"Integrative Modeling of Pinyon–Juniper Woodland Ecology", February 1994, workshop in Santa Fe, NM, co–organized by P.M. Rich and S. Martens.
"Remote Sensing of Vegetation Properties", 6 March 1992, symposium at Environmental Science Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, co–organized by P.M. Rich and F.J. Barnes.
Los Alamos National Laboratory and Department of Energy Committees and Service: Vice-Chair, DOE Geospatial Science Steering Committee (2005-2006); Water Roadmap, Health and Environment subcommittee (2004), EES-2 Deputy Group Leader Search (2003), EES Deputy Division Leader Search (2004), GIS Technical Steering Committee (2002-present); DOE GIS Core Team (2002-2005); EPSCoR representative from LANL for NM universities (2002-2003), Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination Working Group (2002); EES Science & Engineering Leadership Team (SELT) (2001-2003); initiated effort to build LANL institutional GIS; CIO GIS Working Group (2001-2002); Co-Chair, DOE GIS User Group (2001-2006).
University of Kansas Committees and Service: Kansas Ecological Reserves "Publicity"/Web Committee (1999-2000); Environmental Studies Principles Course Committee (1999-2000); Environmental Studies Graduate Teaching Assistant Committee (1999–2000); Chair of Environmental Studies Minor Committee (1999); Environmental Studies Instructional Technology Committee Committee (1998–2000). Chair of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Publicity Committee (1999–2000); Regional (Kansas Regents Institutions & Big 12) Environmental Program Committee (1999-2000); Chair of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Endowment Committee (1998–99); Chair of Environmental Studies Research and Graduate Studies Committee (1999); Chancellor's Costa Rica Symposium Planning Committee (1996–2000); Chair of Kansas Biological Survey Web Site Development Committee (1999–2000); Organization for Tropical Studies Board of Directors (1993, 1997–2000); Environmental Studies Advisory Board (1991–2000); Environmental Studies Long–Range Planning (1994–2000); Computer Equipment Committee, Systematics & Ecology (1996–97); Environmental Studies Director Job Search (1993–94); Chair of Systematics & Ecology Long–Range Planning Committee (1993–95); Systematics & Ecology Graduate Training (1993–95); Environmental Studies Aquatic Ecologist Job Search (1992–93); Kansas Biological Survey Reorganization (1992–95); Field Facilities Committee (1991–2000); Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement for Undergraduate Teaching in Ecology Team (1992–93); Latin American Studies (1992–99); Systematics & Ecology Admissions Committee (1991–92); Kansas Biological Survey Community Ecologist Job Search (1991–92); Environmental Studies Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (1991).
University of California at Santa Cruz Committees and Service: student representative for the UC Natural Reserve System Committee (1977-79).
Environmental education: traditional/science integration, for DOE climate change program and for Native Americans in northern New Mexico (2003-2004); respond to approximately 20 telephone inquiries per year from the general public concerning environmental issues (1990–present); respond to approximately 40 inquiries per year about the use of hemispherical photography and image processing techniques (1990–present); "Environmental Minute", radio interview concerning global warming (1998); participant in public forum on the future of OTS (1996). Earth Day Presentation for Topeka High School, "Environmental awareness and individual responsibility" (1995). KU Students for Wildcare presentation, "Effects of Habitat Destruction on Biodiversity" (1995); KJHK Earth Day radio interview concerning recycling (1995); Kaw Valley High School Regional Presentation,"Rainforest conservation and restoration", teacher workshop, with D. Luckey (1993); compilation of resources concerning rainforest conservation and development for high school teachers (1992–93).
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