
Presentations for Professional Meetings and Symposia

Breshears, D.D., C.B. Zou, G. Barron-Garrod, H. Adams, T. Huxman, S. Miao, P.M. Rich, and A.B. White. 2007. An ecohydrological perspective of drought-triggered vegetation die-off and land-surface changes. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 10-14, 2007, San Francisco, CA.   abstract

Rich, P.M., S.B. Weiss, and A.E. Launer. 2007. Influence of solar exposure on stream water temperature: implications for conservation. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 10-14, 2007, San Francisco, CA.  abstract

White, A.B., D. Pasqualini, E.P. Springer, P.M. Rich, and D.D. Breshears. 2007. Dissecting the causes and effects of a climate-induced regional-scale tree mortality event. Ninth Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau, October 29-November 1, 2007, Flagstaff, AZ.  abstract

Rich, P.M., S.B. Weiss, and A.E. Launer. 2007. Steelhead, turtles, and frogs: Temperature dynamics of stream habitat. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 5-10, San Jose, CA.   abstract   presentation   poster

White, A.B., P.M. Rich, D. Pasqualini, N. McDonald, and D.D. Breshears. 2007. Causes and impacts of woody canopy dieoff in a semi-arid woodland: role of climate, pathogens, and phenology. Ecological Society of America Meeting, August 5-10, San Jose, CA.  abstract

Rich, P.M., D.D. Breshears, and A.B. White. 2006. Impacts of extreme events on phenology: drought-induced changes in productivity of mixed woody-herbaceous ecosystems. American Geophysical Union Meeting, December 11-15, 2006, San Francisco, CA.  abstract   presentation

White, A.B.,P.M. Rich, and D. Pasqualini. 2006. Drought-induced tree mortality in piñon-juniper woodlands. American Geophysical Union Meeting, December 11-15, 2006, San Francisco, CA.   abstract

Carr, T.R., P.M. Rich, J.D. Bartley, and G.N. Keating. 2006. Carbon cyberinfrastructure: the future of NatCarb. Fifth Annual DOE NETL Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, May 8-11, 2006, Alexandria, VA.   abstract

Keating, G.N., R.S. Middleton, M.S. Witkowski, T. McTighe, H.S. Viswanathan, P.H. Stauffer, and P.M. Rich. 2006. Integration of CO2 sequestration system model and diverse geospatial data using stand-alone GIS applications. Fifth Annual DOE NETL Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, May 8-11, 2006, Alexandria, VA. LA-UR-06-0676.   abstract

Breshears, D.D., N.S. Cobb, P.M. Rich, K.P. Price, C.D. Allen, R.G. Balice, W.H. Romme, J.H. Kastens., M.L. Floyd, J. Belnap, J.J. Anderson, O.B. Myers, and C.W. Meyer. 2006. Regional vegetation die-off in response to global-change type drought. LANL Earth Day Poster Session, April 20-22, 2006. LA-UR-06-0957.  abstract   presentation   presentation 2   poster

Rich, P.M., L.H.Z. Weintraub, M.E. Ewers, L. Chen, C.J. Wilson, and V.C. Tidwell. 2006. Water management for energy: San Juan decision tools. LANL Earth Day Poster Session, April 20-22, 2006. LA-UR-05-2200.

J.S. Bollinger, R.P. Addis, L.D. Koffman, C.H. Hunter, P.M. Rich, and R.L. Buckley. 2006. Geospatial science and atmospheric modeling for emergency response. Annual Information Management Conference (AIMC), March 22, 2006, Austin TX.

Rich, P.M. 2006. Los Alamos National Laboratory geospatial science portfolio. Contribution to DOE Geospatial Science Portfolio continuous-loop slide show, DOE Geospatial Science Expo, January 30 to February 10, 2006, Washington, DC. (multi-media)  portfolio

Rich, P.M., and T.R. Carr. 2006. "Carbon Sequestration Regional Partnerships" and "NATCARB Geoportal". Contribution to "DOE Geospatial Science Portfolio" continuous-loop slide show, DOE Geospatial Science Expo, January 30 to February 10, 2006, Washington, DC. (multi-media)

Rich, P.M., L.H.Z. Weintraub, M.E. Ewers, L. Chen, C.J. Wilson, and V.C. Tidwell. 2006. Water management for energy: San Juan Decision Tools. DOE Geospatial Science Expo, January 30 to February 10, 2006, Washington, DC. LA-UR-05-5609.

Rich, P.M., D.D. Breshears, K.P. Price, N.S. Cobb, J.H. Kastens, R.G. Balice, and C.D. Allen. 2006. Drought-induced mortality in semiarid woodlands. DOE Geospatial Science Expo, January 30 to February 10, 2006, Washington, DC. LA-UR-06-0957.

Carr, T.R., and P.M. Rich. 2006. GIS support for DOE Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships. DOE Geospatial Science Expo, January 30 to February 10, 2006, Washington, DC.

Rich, P.M. 2006. Mapping the mission: geospatial science at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Joint meeting of DOE Geospatial Science Program Management Office (GS-PMO) and the Geospatial Science Steering Committee (GSSC), January 30, 2006, Washington, DC.

Rich, P.M., L.H.Z. Weintraub, L. Chen, J. Herr, and C.J. Wilson. 2005. Climate change impacts on hydrology and water management of the San Juan Basin. American Geophysical Union Meeting, December 5-9, 2005, San Francisco, CA. LA-UR-05-7096.   presentation

Weintraub, L.H.Z., L. Chen, C.W. Chen, J.W. Herr, P.M. Rich, and R.A. Goldstein. 2005. Decision Support System (DSS) for the effects of climate change on water supply in San Juan River Basin. U.S. Climate Change Science Program Workshop, Arlington, Virginia, November 14-16, 2005. LA-UR-05-5610.

Weintraub, L.H.Z., L. Chen, P.M. Rich, J. Herr, and R. Goldstein. 2005. Assessment of climate change and water management in the San Juan Basin. AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference, Seattle, Washington, November 7-10, 2005. LA-UR-05-5610.

Breshears, D.D., N.S. Cobb, P.M. Rich, K.P. Price, C.D. Allen, R.G. Balice, W.H. Romme, J.H. Kastens, M.L. Floyd, J. Belnap, J.J. Anderson, O.B. Myers, and C.W. Meyer. 2005. Regional vegetation die-off in response to global-change type drought. Eighth Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau, November 7-10, Flagstaff, CO.

Rich, P.M., L.H.Z. Weintraub, M.E. Ewers, L. Chen, C.J. Wilson, and V.C. Tidwell. 2005. Water management for energy: San Juan decision tools. Border Energy Forum, October 15, Los Alamos, NM. LA-UR-05-2200.

Rich, P.M., L.H.Z. Weintraub, M.E. Ewers, L. Chen, C.J. Wilson, and V.C. Tidwell. 2005. Decision support system for water management of the San Juan Basin. NM Office of the State Engineer 2005 Drought Summit, October 6, 2005, Santa Fe, NM. LA-UR-05-2200.

Rich, P.M., D.D. Breshears, K.P. Price, N.S. Cobb, J.H. Kastens, R.G. Balice, and C.D. Allen. 2005.: Drought-induced mortality in semiarid woodlands. NM Office of the State Engineer 2005 Drought Summit, October 6, 2005, Santa Fe, NM. LA-UR-04-5144.

Rich, P.M., L.H.Z. Weintraub, M.E. Ewers, L. Chen, C.J. Wilson, and V.C. Tidwell. 2005. Decision support system for water management of the San Juan Basin. Conference on "Managing Landscapes and Watersheds for Water Resources", September 21-22, Santa Fe, NM. LA-UR-05-2200.

Rich, P.M., D.D. Breshears, K.P. Price, N.S. Cobb, J.H. Kastens, R.G. Balice, and C.D. Allen. 2005.: Drought-induced mortality in semiarid woodlands. Conference on "Managing Landscapes and Watersheds for Water Resources", September 21-22, Santa Fe, NM. LA-UR-04-5144.

Rich, P.M., M.E. Ewers, C.J. Wilson, L.H.Z. Weintraub, and J. Herr. 2005. Watershed and water planning Tools for the San Juan Basin: Outcomes from the ZeroNet Water for Energy Project. ZeroNet Stakeholder Meeting, September 7, 2005, Farmington, NM.

Ewers, M.E., L.H.Z. Weintraub, Rich, P.M., L.Chen, C.J. Wilson, and V.C. Tidwell. 2005. Basin scale models of climate, hydrology, and water management: decision support tools for the San Juan Basin. New Mexico Water Research Symposium "Advances in Hydrology: Methods and Instruments", Socorro, NM, August 16, 2005. LA-UR-05-2200.   abstract   poster

Rich, P.M., L.H.Z. Weintraub, M.E. Ewers, and L.Chen. 2005. Basin scale models of climate, hydrology, and water management: the ZeroNet scenario library for the San Juan Basin. Ecological Society of America 90th Annual Meeting, August 7-12, 2004, Montréal, Canada. LA-UR-05-2200.

Rich, P.M. 2005. GIScience approaches / earth and environment applications. UCSB/LANL Collaboration Workshop; Santa Barbara, CA; Aug 1-2, 2005. LA-UR-05-5711.

Keating, G.N., P.M. Rich, M.S. Witkowski, and H.S.Viswanathan. 2005. GIS knowledge integration for carbon sequestration: the cyberinfrastructure approach. Fourth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, May 2-5, 2005, Alexandria, VA.

Rich, P.M., M.E. Ewers, T.L. Riggs, L.H.Z. Weintraub, and C.J. Wilson. 2005. Decision support for water planning: the ZeroNet water-energy initiative American Society of Civil Engineers - Environmental & Water Resources Institute (ASCE-EWRI) "World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2005: Impacts of Global Climate Change", May 15-19, Anchorage, AK. LA-UR-04-7593.

Keating, G.N., T.L. Riggs, P.M. Rich, M.S. Witkowski, and H.S. Viswanathan. 2005. GIS-Based Decision Support for Carbon Sequestration. Chapman Conference, The Science and Technology of Carbon Sequestration, January 16-20, 2005, San Diego, CA. LA-UR-04-7595.

Rich, P.M., G.N. Keating, T.L. Riggs, and M.S. Witkowski. 2005. A vision for carbon cyberinfrastructure. Chapman Conference, The Science and Technology of Carbon Sequestration, January 16-20, 2005, San Diego, CA. LA-UR-04-7594.

Bollinger, J.S., S.M. Hargrove, Rich, P.M., L. Brady-Sabeff, D. Collette, A. Guber, M. Klein, J. Kuiper, J. Lee, R. Lee, K. Mickus, D. Morehouse, K. Moore, A. Ramsdell, S. Rush, J. Stewart, H. Walker, R. Wells. 2004. The DOE GIS Core Team. DOE Annual Information Management Conference, Columbus, OH.

Wilson, C.J., L.H.Z. Weintraub, M.E. Ewers, and P.M. Rich. 2004. ZeroNet water-energy initiative. ZeroNet Stakeholder Meeting, October 26, 2004, Farmington, NM. LA-UR-04-7532

Cobb, N.S., D.D. Breshears, P.M. Rich, K.P. Price, L. Floyd-Hannah, W. Romme, J. Belnap, J. Anderson, R.G. Balice, and C.D. Allen. 2004. Rapid regional ecosystem reset: a first look at impacts of global change type drought. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.

Rich, P.M., R. Lee, and K. Updegraff. 2005. Big Sky GIS progress. DOE Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships Annual Program Review, Nov 16-17, 2004, Pittsburgh, PA. LA-UR-04-8229.

Rich, P.M., and M.S. Witkowksi. 2004. Decision support tools. ZeroNet Kickoff Meeting, August 30-31, 2004, Albuquerque, NM. LA-UR-04-5991.

Rich, P.M. and R.K. Neff. 2004. GIS at Los Alamos National Laboratory: the Role of the CIO Office. ESRI Federal GIS User Conference.

Rich, P.M., D.A. Breshears, K.P. Price, N. Cobb, J. Kastens, C. Allen, and R. Balice. 2004. Drought-induced mortality in semiarid woodlands. NMGIC Fall Meeting, Conservation and Environmental GIS, October 8, 2005, Albuquerque, NM. LA-UR-04-7035.

Rich, P.M., D.D. Breshears, and K.P. Price. 2004. Assessing drought-induced mortality in semiarid woodlands with remotely sensed NDVI: from local to regional scales. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR.

Rich, P.M., D.D. Breshears, K.P. Price, N.S. Cobb, J.H Kastens, R.G. Balice, and C.D. Allen. 2004. Drought-induced mortality in semiarid woodlands: assessing regional consequences of climate change. ESRI International User Conference, San Diego.

Rich, P.M., J.S. Bollinger, S.M. Hargrove, L. Brady-Sabeff, D. Collette, A. Guber, M. Klein, J. Kuiper, J. Lee, R. Lee, K. Mickus, D. Morehouse, K. Moore, A. Ramsdell, S. Rush, J. Stewart, H. Walker, R. Wells. 2004. The DOE GIS Core Team. ESRI International User Conference, San Diego.

Rich, P.M., T.L. Riggs, M.S. Witkowski, and G.N. Keating 2004. Toward enterprise GIS design for DOE. Invited talk for DOE GIS User Group Meeting. at ESRI International User Conference, San Diego.

Rich, P.M. and R.K. Neff. 2003. Institutional GIS at Los Alamos National Laboratory: the Role of the CIO Office. LANL GIS Day.

Fu, P., and Rich, P.M.. 2003. Assessing topographic influences on incoming solar radiation at landscape scales. Symposium on the Gunnison Basin as a Model Ecosystem. Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, CO.

Rich, P.M., and P. Fu. 2003. Topoclimatic habitat models for complex terrain. Symposium on the Gunnison Basin as a Model Ecosystem. Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, CO.

Mynard, C.R., P.M. Rich, and G.N. Keating. 2003. Lessons from Adversity: GIS Response to the Cerro Grande Wildfire. ESRI User Conference, San Diego, CA.

Rich, P.M., J. Dozier, S.B. Weiss, and J.I. Metz. 2003. Next generation solar models for ArcGIS. ESRI User Conference, San Diego, CA.

Rich, P.M., T.L. Riggs, and M.S. Witkowski. 2002. Solar radiation interception, microclimate, and water balance in complex terrain. Chapman Conference, Eco-hydrology of Semiarid Landscapes: Interactions and Processes. Taos, NM, September 9-13, 2002.

Rich, P.M., T.L. Riggs, and M.S. Witkowski. 2002. Solar radiation interception, microclimate, and water balance in complex terrain. American Geophysical Union, Fall Conference, San Francisco, CA, December 6-10, 2002.   presentation

Weiss, S.B., Luth, D.C., Metz, J.I., P.M. Rich, and J. Dozier. 2003. Precision viticulture for fine wine: a grape's eye view. ESRI User Conference, San Diego, CA.

Witkowski, M.S., and P.M. Rich. 2003. GIS as a way to integrate data and simulation. Earth and Environmental Science Prediction Workshop, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Witkowski, M.S., P.M. Rich, and G.N. Keating. 2002. Spatial data warehouse design for enterprise GIS. GIScience, Second International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Boulder, CO.

Rich, P.M., and P. Fu. 2002. Topoclimatic models for complex terrain. ESRI Annual User Conference. San Diego, CA.

T.L. Riggs, D. Walther, P.M. Rich, B. Paul. 2002. GIS for post-wildfire forest management. ESRI Annual User Conference. San Diego, CA.

Rich, P.M., G.N. Keating, C.R. Mynard, S. Rasmussen, T.L. Riggs, M.A. Jones, S.P. Linger, D. Walther, and M.S. Witkowski. 2001. Post-wildfire geospatial information management at Los Alamos National Laboratory. DOE, Technology Information Exchange Symposium, Albuquerque, NM.

Fu, P. and P.M. Rich. 2001. Topographic influences on solar radiation. Twenty-First Annual ESRI User Conference. San Diego, CA.

Fu, P. and P.M. Rich. 2001. Topographic influences on solar radiation at landscape scales. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.

Rich, P.M., B. Greene, and P. McDonald. 2001. Topographic determinants of carbon balance and vegetation distribution in the Rocky Mountains. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.

Rich, P.M., G.N. Keating, C.R. Mynard, S. Rasmussen, T.L. Riggs, M.A. Jones, S.P. Linger, D. Walther, and M.S. Witkowski. 2001. Post-wildfire geospatial information management at Los Alamos National Laboratory. ESRI Annual User Conference. San Diego, CA.

Witkowski, M.S. and P.M. Rich, 2001. GISLab spatial information management. ESRI Annual User Conference. San Diego, CA.

Rich, P.M. and P. Fu. 2000. Topoclimatic models for prediction of potential habitat. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.

Rich, P.M. and P. Fu. 2000. Topoclimatic habitat models. Fourth International Conference on Integrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Environmental Modeling.

Fu, P., P.M. Rich, and J. Wang. 2000. Topoclimatic models for study of climate change at landscape scales. Twentieth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Fu, P., P.M. Rich, and J. Wang. 2000. Integration of GIS with user models. Twentieth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Fu, P. and P.M. Rich. 2000. Topoclimatic models for complex terrain in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.

Wang, J. and P.M. Rich. 2000. Links between local and landscape patterns of productivity in the Great Plains. Twentieth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Wang, J., P.M. Rich, and K.P. Price. 2000. Relations between normalized difference vegetation index and productivity in the central Great Plains. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.

Yao, J., and P.M. Rich. 2000. Woody canopy influences on understory plants during old field succession. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.

Fu, P. and P.M. Rich. 2000. A geometric solar radiation model and its applications in agriculture and forestry. Second International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry. Winner of best poster presentation at conference.

Rich, P.M. and R.D. Holt. 1999. A plants-eye perspective on experimental landscape ecology. Invited Seminar on Experimental Model Ecosystems. International Association for Landscape Ecology, Snowmass, CO.

Fu, P., P.M. Rich, and S. Geer. 1999. Microclimate influences on vegetation in montane ecosystems. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Fu, P. and P.M. Rich. 1999. Design and implementation of the Solar Analyst: an ArcView extension for modeling solar radiation at landscape scales. Nineteenth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Wang, J., P.M. Rich, and K.P. Price. 1999. Influences of temperature and precipitation on landscape–level indices of productivity in Kansas. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Wang, J., P.M. Rich, and K.P. Price. 1999. Relations between climate and greenness indices in the Great Plains. Nineteenth Annual ESRI User Conference. Winner of best poster presentation in analytical category.

Wang, J., K.P. Price, and P.M. Rich. 1998. Relationships between NDVI and Precipitation in Kansas During a Nine–Year Period (1989–1997). Association of American Geographers Great Plains/Rocky Mountains Annual Conference.

Fu, P., P.M. Rich and W.D. Kettle. 1998. Geographic data management for the Kansas Ecological Reserves. Association of American Geographers Annual Conference.

Rich, P.M., P. Fu, J. Wang, A. T. Peterson, N. Rice, A. Sanchez, J. Jimenez, and M. Anthony. 1998. Geospatial data clearinghouse nodes for natural resources and biodiversity of Costa Rica and Mexico. Eighteenth Annual ESRI User Conference and Society of Conservation GIS Annual Meeting. James Reserves, CA.

Fu, P., W.D. Kettle, and P.M. Rich. 1998. A GIS database for research and management at the Kansas Ecological Reserves. Eighteenth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Rich, P.M., D.A. Vieglais, S.B. Weiss, and S.C. Saving. 1997. Coupling geometric solar radiation models with microclimate and ecological process models. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Vieglais, D.A. and P.M. Rich. 1997. Calculating optimal leaf orientation under different canopies. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Rich, P.M., J. Wang, P. Fu, W. Marshall, and D.A. Vieglais. 1997. A GIS database for conservation biology research and management in Costa Rica. Association for Tropical Studies Annual Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica.

Alger, Y.R. and P.M. Rich. 1996. Topographic effects on forest structure at the forest/prairie ecotone. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Yao, J., R.D. Holt, W.S. Marshall, and P.M. Rich. 1996. Woody plant colonization in an experimentally fragmented habitat. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Kettle, W. D., G.L. Pittman, R. O'Neal, and P.M. Rich. 1996. Land–use history considerations in natural resource planning. North American Prairie and Natural Areas Conferences, Chicago, IL.

O'Neal, R.L., W.D. Kettle, P.M. Rich, K.P. Price, and R.D. Holt. 1996. Environmental history of the Kansas Ecological Reserves: changes in vegetation at a forest/prairie ecotone. Sixteenth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Fournier, R.A., P.M. Rich, and R. Landry. 1995. A hierarchical sampling approach for characterizing BOREAS sites. Poster for NASA Boreas Investigator Meeting, Greenbelt, MD.

Rich, P.M., R.A. Fournier, Y.R. Alger, N.M. August, and V.L. Peterson. 1995. A hierarchical sampling approach for characterizing canopy architecture of boreal forests. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Rich, P.M. 1995. Solar radiation models and plant canopy measurement. NSF–Sponsored Workshop –– Designing the Forest Canopy Researcher's Workbench: Computer Tools for the 21st Century.

Wang, J., P.M. Rich, and R.D. Holt. 1995. GIS Database for Experimental Studies of Habitat Fragmentation at the Kansas Ecological Reserves. Fifteenth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Fournier, R.A., P.M. Rich, Y.R. Alger, V.L. Peterson, R. Landry, and N.M. August. 1995. Canopy architecture of boreal forests: links between remote sensing and ecology. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Technical Papers. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Price, K.P., P.M. Rich, and R. O'Neal. 1995. Deriving high resolution canopy digital elevation models. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Rich, P.M., Y.R. Alger, D.A. Heisler, V.L. Peterson, D.M. Price, and J. Wang. 1995. GIS–Based Habitat Models: Applications for Conservation. University of Kansas Environmental Research Symposium.

Rich, P.M., R.L. Chazdon, and J.S. Denslow. 1994. Spatial and temporal variation of solar radiation regimes in plant canopy gaps. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Rich, P.M., W.A. Hetrick, S. C. Saving, and R. Dubayah. 1994. Using viewshed models to calculate intercepted solar radiation: applications in ecology. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Rich, P.M. and R. Dubayah. 1994. Spatial and temporal patterns of solar radiation along topographic surfaces: coupling with energy balance models. Ninth Annual U.S. Landscape Ecology Symposium.

Price, K.P. and P.M. Rich. 1994. Development of digital canopy model using digital stereopairs. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers.

Price, K.P., P.M. Rich, and R. O'Neal. 1994. Measurement and three–dimensional modeling of plant canopies using remotely sensed data. 126th Kansas Academy of Science Meeting, Washburn University.

Saving, S.C., W.A. Hetrick, P.M. Rich, A.D. Weiss, S.B. Weiss. 1994. Physiographic inventory methodology. Fourteenth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Dubayah, R. and P.M. Rich. 1993. GIS–based solar radiation modeling. Second International Conference on Integrating Geographical Information Systems and Environmental Modeling.

Rich, P.M., K.P. Price, R.D. Holt, and F.J. Barnes. 1993. Spatially explicit models of microclimate and ecophysiology within pinyon–juniper woodland canopies: a GIS and remote sensing approach. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Rich, P.M., S.C. Saving, T.D. Sisk, H.R. Sparrow, and S.B. Weiss. 1993. Tropical Reserve Design and Biodiversity Sampling: a Physiographic Approach for La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, Costa Rica. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology.

Rich, P.M., F.J. Barnes, and K.P. Price. 1993. Spatial patterns of canopy architecture in pinyon–juniper woodlands: inferences from stand allometry and remote sensing. Eighth Annual U.S. Landscape Ecology Symposium.

Rich, P.M., S.C. Saving, T.D. Sisk, H.R. Sparrow, and S.B. Weiss. 1993. Tropical Reserve Design and Biodiversity Sampling: a Physiographic Approach for La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, Costa Rica. Thirteenth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Hetrick, W.A.,P.M. Rich, and S.B. Weiss. 1993. Modelling insolation on complex surfaces. Thirteenth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Hughes, G.S., P.M. Rich, and F.J. Barnes. 1993. Using GIS to reconstruct canopy architecture and model ecological processes in pinyon–juniper woodlands. Thirteenth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Saving, S.C., P.M. Rich, and J.T. Smiley. 1993. GIS Database for Big Creek Reserve: an Archetype for the University of California Natural Reserve System. Thirteenth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Rich, P.M., H.A. Mooney, L.S. Guild, N. Luttinger, and A.E. Hartley. 1993. Close–range remote sensing of localized disturbance in serpentine soil grassland. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Chapman, S.B., P.M. Rich, and D. Kettle. 1993. Assessing shrub distribution and impact in tallgrass prairie using aerial and ground–based mapping. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Hetrick, W.A., P.M. Rich, and F.J. Barnes, and S.B. Weiss. 1993. GIS–based solar radiation flux models. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Rich, P.M., N.M. Holbrook, and N. Luttinger. 1992. Leaf development and crown geometry of two iriarteoid palms. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology.

Clark, D.B., D.A. Clark, P.M. Rich, and S.F. Oberbauer. 1992. Vertical and horizontal distributions of light environments and their relation to forest structure in a neotropical lowland rain forest. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Rich, P.M., S.B. Weiss, D.A. Debinski, and J.F. McLaughlin. 1992. Physiographic inventory of a tropical reserve. Twelfth Annual ESRI User Conference.

McLaughlin, J.F., S.B. Weiss, Rich, P.M., and D.A. Debinski. 1992. Roles of GIS in conservation. Twelfth Annual ESRI User Conference.

Barnes, F.J., P.M. Rich, C. Lin, B. Wilcox, J. Nyhan, D. Breshears, and S. Tarbox. 1992. Spatial and temporal variability in water balance components in pinyon–juniper and ponderosa pine communities along an elevational gradient. Annual Meeting of the Society of Landscape Ecologists.

Galo, A.T., P.M. Rich, and J.J. Ewel. 1992. Effects of forest edges on the solar radiation regime in a series of reconstructed tropical ecosystems. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Lin, T., D.A. Heisler, P.M. Rich, and F.J. Barnes. 1992. Influences of canopy geometry on near–ground solar radiation and water balances of pinyon–juniper and ponderosa pine woodlands. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Clark, D., D.A. Clark, and P.M. Rich. 1991. Juvenile light environments of nine canopy tree species in a neotropical lowland forest. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Lerdau, M.T., N.M. Holbrook, H.A. Mooney, P.M. Rich, and J.L. Whitbeck. 1991. Partitioning of resource acquisition by the arborescent cactus Opuntia excelsa growing in a seasonal dry forest. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Oberbauer, S.F., D.A. Clark, D.B. Clark, and P.M. Rich. 1991. In situ photosynthesis and light environments of saplings of four species of Costa Rican rain forest trees. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Rich, P.M. and S.B. Weiss. 1991. Spatial models of microclimate and habitat suitability: lessons from threatened species. Eleventh Annual ESRI User Conference.

Rich, P.M., H.A. Mooney, L.S. Guild, and N. Luttinger. 1990. Root growth of serpentine grassland annuals. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Rich, P.M. 1990. Relations between tree growth, crown geometry, and light availability within forest canopies. Second International Symposium on the Tree, Montpellier, France.

Rich, P.M., H.A. Mooney, L.S. Guild, and A.E. Hartley. 1989. Localized Disturbance by Gopher Burrowing in Serpentine Soil Grassland. Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America.

Rich, P.M. 1989. Establishment Growth of Welfia georgii, a Mesoamerican Palm. Annual Meeting of Association for Tropical Biology.

Rich, P.M. 1988. Microcomputer image analysis for study of plant canopies. Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America.

Clark, D.A., P.M. Rich, D.B. Clark, and S.F. Oberbauer. 1988. Long–term monitoring of photosynthetically active radiation in tropical wet forest understory. Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America.

Rich, P.M. 1988. Mapping light availability under forest canopies using hemispherical (fisheye) canopy photography. Organization for Tropical Studies Silver Anniversary Symposium.

Rich, P.M. 1988. Video image analysis of hemispherical canopy photography. First Special Workshop on Videography. Terre Haute, Indiana. May 19–20, 1988. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Rich, P.M. 1987. Prospects for remote sensing of vegetation. 4th Arid Lands Remote Sensing Workshop.

Rich, P.M. 1987. Close–range remote sensing for study of plant canopies. 4th Arid Lands Remote Sensing Workshop.

Rich, P.M., D.B. Clark, D.A. Clark, S.F. Oberbauer. 1987. Canopy photography for assessment of local light environment of tropical forest trees and palms. Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America.

Rich, P.M. 1986. Growth rates of arborescent rainforest palms in Costa Rica. Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America.

Rich, P.M. 1985. Mechanical architecture of arborescent rainforest palms in Costa Rica. Association for Tropical Biology Invited Symposium on Palm Ecology.

Rich, P.M. 1985. Developmental anatomy of the stem in Welfia georgii Wendl. ex Burret, Iriartea gigantea Wendl. ex Burret, and other arborescent rainforest palms: implications for mechanical support. Annual Meeting of Botanical Society of America, Developmental and Structural Section.

Rich, P.M., S. Lum, and L. Muñoz. 1985. Shedding of vines by the palms Welfia georgii Wendl. ex Burret and Iriartea giganta Wendl. ex Burret. Annual Meeting of Association for Tropical Biology.

Rich, P.M. 1985. Developmental changes in the stem of arborescent rainforest palms: consequences for mechanical support during height growth. Invited Workshop in Plant Population Biology and Physiological Ecology in Mesoamerican Forests.


Invited Seminars (since 1990)

Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Database (HIFLD) Working Group, "Cyberinfrastructure and Decision Support Design for Homeland Security". Invited presentation with co-authors Marc Witkowski and Richard Middleton, April 18, 2006, Santa Fe, NM.

Department of Energy Annual Information Management Conference (AIMC). "Case for the DOE Enterprise Geospatial Science Program". Invited presentation, co-author James Bollinger, DOE Systems of Labs' Computing Coordination Committee (SLCCC) Meeting. March 23, 2006, Austin TX.

Department of Energy Geospatial Science Expo, VIP Walkthrough. "Impacts of Extreme Events". Invited presentation and demonstration for DOE Secretary Samuel Bodman, January 31, 2006, Washington, DC.

New Mexico Office of the State Engineer 2005 Drought Summit, Santa Fe, NM. "Impacts of Drought on Energy Production". October 6, 2005.

United States Geological Survey, Western Geographic Science Center, Menlo Park. "Decision support for water planning: the ZeroNet water-energy example ". April 26, 2005.

Department of Energy, Headquarters, Chief Information Officer Council, Washington, DC. "DOE GIS corporate strategy: enterprise geographic information system (GIS) solutions". authors: J.S. Bollinger, P.M. Rich, and S.M. Hargrove (presented by S. Hargrove, DOE OCIO). February 15, 2005.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, GIS Day. "Enterprise GIS". Invited seminar by P.M. Rich, M.S. Witkowski, and G.N. Keating. November 19, 2004.

New Mexico Geographic Information Council Fall Meeting. "Enterprise GIS Design". Invited seminar by M.S. Witkowski, P.M. Rich, and G.N. Keating. November 20, 2004.

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. "Topography, Microclimate, and Vegetation: GIS-Based Modeling Approaches". September 11, 2003.

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. "Enterprise GIS Design". September 12, 2003.

University of California at Santa Barbara. Workshop on the UCSB-LANL Cooperative Agreement: Past, Present, and Future of Environmental Science Collaborations. "Influences of Topography and Plant Canopies on Surface Climate Variability". (with Jeff Dozier). June 10, 2003.

University of Redlands/Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, CA. "GIS-Based Algorithms for Calculation of Solar Radiation and Energy Balance, with Applications in Ecology and Precision Viticulture". October 23, 2002.

University of California at Santa Barbara, Department of Geography Colloquium. "Topography, Microclimate, and Vegetation". October 24, 2002.

University of California at Santa Barbara, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. "Topography, Microclimate, and Vegetation: Reflections, Cogitations, and Some Lessons from Big Creek Reserve". May 2002.

United States Geological Survey, Western Geographic Science Center, Menlo Park. "Topography, Microclimate, and Vegetation: Reflections, Cogitations, and Some Lessons from Big Creek Reserve". May 2002.

Biosphere 2, Columbia University. "Biosphere 2: Regional and Global Perspective". Dec 2001.

Northern Arizona University, Department of Biology. "Insolation, Microclimate, and Potential Habitat in Mountainous Regions". Feb 2001.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Earth & Environmental Science Division. "Environmental Modeling and the Future of GIS". Jan 2001.

University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Environmental Studies. "GIS: Applications, Modeling, and the Future". Nov 2000.

University of California, Berkeley, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management. "Topoclimatic Habitat Models". Nov 2000.

University of California, Berkeley, Jepson Herbarium (Botany Lunch). " Topography, Microclimate, & Vegetation Patterns: Cogitations & Some Lessons from the UC Big Creek Reserve". Oct 2000.

Rocky Mt. Biological Laboratory: "Topographic Influences on Microclimate and Habitat: Map-Based Studies in the Rocky Mountains". Jul 2000.

University of California, Berkeley, Center for Assessment & Monitoring of Forest & Environmental Resources (CAMFER). "Geometric Solar Radiation Models for Study of Plant Canopies and Landscape Ecology". Oct 1998.

University of California Big Creek Reserve 20th Anniversary Symposium, "Topography, Microclimate, and Vegetation of Big Creek Reserve: Reflections, Musings, and Some Lessons". Jul 1998.

Institute for Forest Ecology, Universitat fur Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria, "Perspectives on Light Ecology in Forested Ecosystems". Apr 1997.

Institute for Forest Ecology, Universitat fur Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria, "Light Ecology in Forested Ecosystems". Two–week intensive course/lecture series. 14–25 Apr 1997.

Organization for Tropical Studies, La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. "Spatially Explicit Models in Ecology: palms, canopies, and life histories". Feb 1997.

Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI), Redlands, CA. "GIS tools for bioinformatics: a partnership between ESRI and KU". Jan 1997.

Ecoloe Normale Superior, Paris, France. Laboratoire de Ecologie. "Plant canopies: characterization and implications". Apr 1996.

Delta–T, Cambridge, England. "Advances in hemispherical photography analysis". Apr 1996.

Oxford University, Oxford, England. "Solar radiation models: applications for ecology". Apr 1996.

Henan Institute of Geography, Zheng Zhou, China. "GIS: spatially explicit models". May 1996.

Henan University, Department of Geography, Kaifeng, China. "Spatially explicit models in ecology". May 1996.

Golfito Field Station, Costa Rica. "Implications of habitat fragmentation in the tropics." Feb 1996.

La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. "Canopy architecture". Feb 1996.

University of Kansas. "Plant canopies: characterization and implications". Tenure seminar for Department of Systematics & Ecology. Oct 1995.

University of New Mexico. "Incorporating topographic solar radiation models in water balance models: application for the Sevilleta Long–Term Ecological Research Area". Aug 1995.

Evergreen State College, Washington, "Solar radiation models and plant canopy measurement". NSF–Sponsored Workshop, Designing the Forest Canopy Researcher's Workbench: Computer Tools for the 21st Century. Mar 1995.

Duke University. seminar: "Applications of solar radiation models at a range of ecological scales". workshop: "Hemispherical Photography for Characterizing Canopy Architecture and Understory Light Regimes". Feb 1995.

National Biological Service. "GIS Applications in Conservation Biology". February 1995.

University of Kansas Environmental Colloquium, "Corcovado National Park: conservation issues in the tropics". Apr 1994.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Ontario, "Canopy architecture: links between remote sensing and ecology". Feb 1994.

Petawawa Forestry Research Institute, Ontario, "Reconstruction of Canopy Surface Topography". BRDF Remote Sensing Workshop, Feb 1994.

Workshop on Integrative Modeling of Pinyon–Juniper Woodland Ecology, Santa Fe, NM, "Biophysical factors in the ecology of pinyon–juniper woodlands". Feb 1994.

University of Kansas Second Annual Waggoner Research Colloquium, panel discussion on "Conservation and development issues in Latin America". Nov 1993.

Stanford University, "Spatially Explicit Models of Insolation in Arid Woodlands: Ecological Implications of Microsite Heterogeneity". Center for Conservation Biology. May 1993.

Organization for Tropical Studies, Las Cruces Field Station: "GIS–based studies of habitat & biodiversity at La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, Costa Rica". Mar 1993.

American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Meeting in New Orleans, Moderator for Session on GIS Data Management for Conservation Applications. Feb 1993.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, "A GIS–Based Model of Canopy Architecture in Arid Woodlands: Implications for Energy and Water Balances". Jun 1993.

University of Washington, "Spatial and temporal patterns of resource availability in tropical and temperate forests: relations between plant architecture and solar radiation". College of Forest Resources and Department of Zoology. Dec 1992.

Stanford University, "GIS database for La Amistad Biosphere Reserve". Center for Conservation Biology. Aug 1992.

Organization for Tropical Studies, La Selva Biological Station, "Hemispherical photography for study of canopy architecture and microclimate". May 1992.

University of Kansas. "Hemispherical photography and image analysis". Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Seminar. Jan 1991.

University of Kansas, Department of Botany Seminar, "Rain forest palm trees: how they grow up and why they don't fall down". Oct 1991.

University of Kansas, Department of Systematics and Ecology Seminar, "Patch dynamics and resource heterogeneity: principles from canopy dynamics applied down under". Nov 1991.

University of Kansas, "From tropical forest to annual grassland: plant architecture and close–range remote sensing". Job Seminar for Environmental Studies Program and Kansas Biological Survey. Apr 1990.

Organization for Tropical Studies, La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. "Hemispherical photography for study of plant canopies". Oct 1990.

Forest Research Institute, Christchurch, New Zealand, "Remote sensing and image analysis for study of plant canopies". Nov 2, 1990.


Additional Invited Seminars (1987–90)

Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Plant Biology. 1988.

Department of Energy, Office of Health and Environmental Research. 1987.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Environmental Science Group. 1987, 1988.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Remote Sensing & Image Analysis Interest Group, 1987, 1988.

NASA Ames, Ecosystem Science and Technology Branch, 1988.

Organization for Tropical Studies La Selva Biological Field Station, Costa Rica, 1987, 1988.

Pennsylvania State University, Department of Biology, 1989.

Pennsylvania State University, Environmental Resources Research Institute, 1989.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama, 1987.

Stanford University, Department of Biological Sciences, 1988, 1989, 1990.

University of Arizona at Tucson, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 1987.

University of California at Berkeley, Department of Botany, 1987.

University of California at Davis, Department of Botany, 1989.

University of California at Davis, Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, 1989.

University of California at Santa Cruz, Department of Biology, 1987.


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