Grants and Contracts

Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experimental Station, MS. $2,000. 7/95–12/95. Analysis of hemispherical photographs of southern swamplands. P.M. Rich, PI.

Brooks–Cole Publisher. $10,800. 5/99–12/2000. Development of computer–aided and web–based teaching materials for Environmental Studies. P.M. Rich, PI.

Calcomp Corporation. $30,000. Donation of two tablet digitizers and two vector pen plotters. Joint award with Stanford University Center for Conservation Biology. P.M. Rich and P.R. Ehrlich, co–PIs.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing. $12,000. 6/94–5/95. Auxiliary site characterization and acquisition of hemispherical photography in support of the BOREAS project. P.M. Rich, PI.

Department of Energy, Zero Emissions Research and Technology (ZERT). 10/1/05 to 9/30/06. $285K. "Continued GIS Support for Zero Emissions Research and Technology". Gordon N. Keating and Paul M. Rich (Co-Is for GISLab), George Guthrie (PI).

Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory. 10/1/2006 to 9/30/2010. $17.9M ($1.5M to LANL). " Big Sky Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership - Phase II". Susan Capalbo (Overall PI), John Kaszuba, (LANL PI), P.M. Rich, Co-Lead for GIS/Carbon Atlas.

Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). "Southwest and Big Sky Regional Partnerships for Carbon Sequestration". 5/1/2004 to 9/30/2005. $60K. New Mexico Tech (lead institution for Southwest partnership, B.J. McPherson, PI), Montana State (lead institution for Big Sky partnership, S. Capalbo, PI), Los Alamos National Laboratory (Richard Benson and Rajesh Pawar, PIs), and >70 other institutions: Paul Rich (Lead for GIS at LANL).

Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). $112,000. 5/91–12/96. ARC/INFO GIS software, training, and support for SUN workstation. Joint award with the Center for Conservation Biology, Stanford University. P.M. Rich and P.R. Ehrlich, co–PIs.

Helios Environmental Modeling Institute (HEMI). $23,038. 1/97–12/97. Integration of geometric solar radiation models with synthetic environmental models. E. Martinko, Administrative PI, P.M. Rich and D.A. Vieglais, Co–PIs.

KTEC Center for Excellence in Computer Aided Systems Engineering. $171,530. 1/94–6/97. Helios project: integrated solar radiation modeling. P.M. Rich, PI.

Los Alamos National Laboratory / University of New Mexico Memorandum of Understanding on Research and Education. 5/15/2006 to 9/30/2007. $90K. "Enabling distributed network sensing of arid ecosystem adaptation resulting from global climate change". PIs: S.L. Collins and L.M.A. Bettencourt. Co-Investigators: A. Hagberg, D. Pasqualini, P.M. Rich, A.B. White, et al.

Los Alamos National Laboratory Tribal Outreach. 10/1/2005 to 9/30/2006. $30K. "Geographic Information System (GIS) Support for Accord Pueblos" and $10K "GIS Science Education for the Jemez Pueblo". PI: Paul Rich.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Advanced Chemical Identification Technology (ACIT). 5/1/04 to 9/30/05. $270K. "ACIT GIS". P.M. Rich and T.L. Riggs (Co-Is for GIS).

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD-DR). "Scaling relationships in biology: developing and applying a unifying theory from molecular through biosphere scales". 10/2003-9/2005. $3.1M. D.D. Breshears (PI), P.M. Rich, et al. (Co-Is).

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Cerro Grande Rehabilitation Project. $1,200,000. 10/00-9/02. Post-wildfire geospatial information management. P.M. Rich, PI.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Director's Discretionary Project. "Science Education Consortium: Los Alamos and Accord Pueblos". 1/2004 to 9/2004. $50,000. M.H. Ebinger (PI), J.C. Echohawk, and P.M. Rich (Co-PIs).

Los Alamos National Environmental Research Park Grant. $131,638. 7/91–9/93. Remote sensing and canopy modeling of pinyon–juniper and ponderosa pine woodlands along an elevational gradient: studies of canopy geometry and solar radiation flux. P.M. Rich, PI.

Los Alamos National Environmental Research Park Grant. $7,000. 10/93–9/94. Remote sensing and canopy modeling: studies of canopy architecture and solar radiation flux. P.M. Rich, PI.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Environmental Restoration Program. $317,000. 10/01-9/02 GIS support for environmental restoration. P.M. Rich, PI.

NASA BOREAS Program. $137,638. 8/93–7/96. Studies of microwave scattering and canopy architecture of boreal forests. P. Gogineni and P.M. Rich, Co–investigators.

NASA BOREAS Program. $220,359. 9/93–6/98. Canopy architecture of boreal forests: using hemispherical photography for study of radiative transport and leaf area index. P.M. Rich and P. Gogineni, Co–Investigators.

NASA BOREAS Program. $5,000. 5/94–9/94. Supplement for travel expenses in support of BOREAS field research. P.M. Rich, PI.

National Park Service, Sequoia and Kings Canyon. $2,500. 7/95–12/95. Analysis of hemispherical photographs for quantification of the light regime of giant forest canopy gaps. P.M. Rich, PI/

Nature Conservancy. $40,490. 1/97–6/99. Development of a GIS database for the Flint Hills – Osage Plains Ecoregion. K. Kindscher, PI, P.M. Rich, Co–PI.

National Science Foundation (NSF). 6/1/2004 to 5/31/2009. $1.2M. "Drought Impacts on Regional Ecosystems Network (DIRENET): Coordinating Studies on Southwest Forests and Woodlands". Neil Cobb (PI), P.M. Rich et al. (CO-Is, Core Participants). funded.

NSF Facilities Program. $112,000. 4/96–3/98. Enhancement of facilities for the Kansas Ecological Reserves. R.D. Holt, PI, P.M. Rich, K.P. Price, D. Kettle, and H. Alexander, co–PIs.

NSF Facilities Program. $30,000. 9/98–2/2000. Enhancing data management at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. T.D. Allison, PI, D. Inouye and P.M. Rich, Co–PIs.

NSF Grant BSR89–013185. $142,000. 1/90–6/92. Demography and ecophysiology of regeneration of tropical rain forest trees. Consultant on Project. Through Duke University.

NSF Grant BSR90–02326. $58,000. 8/90–8/92. Turbulent exchange at vegetated surfaces: canopy geometry and gas exchange. Through University of California at Davis. P.M. Rich, PI.

NSF Long-Term Research in Environmental Biology Program. $100,000. 9/2000-8/2002. Long-term studies of population and community ecology in an experimentally fragmented landscape (renewal). R.D. Holt, PI, B. Foster, K.P. Price, P.M. Rich, and N. Slade, co-PIs.

NSF Long–Term Research in Environmental Biology Program. $269,567. 9/93–6/2000. Long–term studies of population and community ecology in an experimentally fragmented landscape. R.D. Holt, PI, P.M. Rich, K.P. Price, R. Pierotti, and D.M. Debinski, co–PIs.

NSF Research Experience for Undergraduate Students Program. $5,000. 4/97–3/98. $5,000. 4/96–3/97. $14,724. 4/95–3/96. $4,025. 4/94–3/95. $5,000. 4/98–3/99. supplement to Long–term studies of population and community ecology in an experimentally fragmented landscape. R.D. Holt, PI, P.M. Rich, K.P. Price, R. Pierotti, and D.M. Debinski, co–PIs.

Organization for Tropical Studies. $24,000. 1/96–2/97. Development of a geographical information system database for Las Cruces Biological Station and vicinity, Costa Rica, P.M. Rich, PI.

Stanford University Center for Conservation Biology grant and University of Kansas Matching Funds. $18,000. 4/92–9/92. Establishment of a geographical information system for scientific study in La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, Costa Rica. P.M. Rich, PI.

Stanford University Center for Conservation Biology Grant. $1,000. 2/95–12/95. Analysis of canopy architecture and solar radiation regimes for Australian Eucalyptus Forests. P.M. Rich, PI.

Stanford University Center for Conservation Biology Grant. $16,694. 1/93–12/94. A GIS–based pilot study of Lepidoptera biodiversity in the Spring Range, Nevada. P.M. Rich, PI.

Sun Microsystems. $76,000. Donation of two SUN SPARCstation 2 GX workstations and peripherals. Joint award with Stanford University Center for Conservation Biology. P.M. Rich and P.R. Ehrlich, co–PIs.

University of California at Santa Barbara/Los Alamos National Laboratory Cooperative Agreement on Research and Education (CARE) Program. "Influences of Topography and Plant Canopies on Surface Climate Variability". 10/02 to 9/04. $85,000 (+ $100,000 in-kind match from ESRI to implement Solar Tools). J. Dozier and P.M. Rich (PIs).

University of Kansas Experimental and Applied Ecology Program Research Grant. $7,847. 6/94–8/94. Enhancement of terrestrial ecology research at the Kansas Ecological Reserves. P.M. Rich, D.M. Debinski, R.D. Holt, D. Kettle, and K.P. Price, Co–PIs.

University of Kansas Experimental and Applied Ecology Program Research Grant. 6/93. $2,600. GIS, remote sensing, and data management infrastructure to enhance multidisciplinary research at the Kansas Ecological Reserves. P.M. Rich, R.D. Holt, D. Kettle, and K.P. Price, Co–PIs.

University of Kansas General Research Fund Grant for New Faculty. $5,000. 1/91–6/91. An integrated image analysis system and GIS for ecological studies. P.M. Rich, PI.

University of Kansas General Research Fund Grant. $4,316. 7/93–6/94. Spatially explicit models of microclimate and ecophysiology within plant canopies: a GIS and remote sensing approach. P.M. Rich, PI.

University of Kansas General Research Fund Grant. $6,300. 7/91–6/92. Close–range remote sensing of vegetation structure and flux properties. P.M. Rich, PI.

University of Kansas General Research Fund Grant. $7,650. 7/92–6/93. Hemispherical photography for study of canopy geometry. P.M. Rich, PI.

University of Kansas General Research Fund Grant. $8,842. 7/98–6/99. A geometric solar radiation model with applications in ecology. P.M. Rich, PI.

University of Kansas General Research Fund Grant. $8,911. 7/94–6/95. Restoration of a fragmented tropical forest. P.M. Rich, PI.

University of Kansas General Research Fund Grant. $9,650. 7/95–6/96. Conservation biology of trees in a fragmented tropical forest. P.M. Rich, PI.

University of Kansas General Research Fund Grant. $9,901. 7/99–6/2000. Climatic influences on vegetation patterns in mountain regions. P.M. Rich, PI.

University of Kansas Instruction Technology Fund. $67,400. 12/2000-6/2000. Computer laboratory and geographic information system capabilities for enhancement of Environmental Studies courses. P.M. Rich PI.

University of Kansas Instruction Technology Fund. $14,500. 12/98–6/99. Computer presentation and geographic information system capabilities for enhancement of Environmental Studies courses. P.M. Rich and S. Ashworth, Co–PIs.

University of Kansas Research Development Fund Grant. $124,904. 10/2000–8/2001. Development of a LIDAR Altimeter Sensor. M.S. Ewing, S. Gogineni, M. Jakabauskis, P.M. Rich, et al. co–PIs.

University of Kansas Research Development Fund Grant. $124,904. 10/2000–8/2001. Development of a LIDAR Altimeter Sensor. M.S. Ewing, S. Gogineni, M. Jakabauskis, P.M. Rich, et al. co–PIs.

University of Kansas Research Development Fund Grant. $60,000. 7/93–6/95. Remote sensing and GIS approaches to understanding ecological consequences of global change. P.M. Rich, S. Gogineni, S.F. Hamburg, R.D. Holt, and K. P. Price, co–PIs.

University of Kansas Research Development Fund Grant. $93,817. 1/97–6/99. Enhancement of GIS & environmental modeling capabilities for research concerning global change and bioinformatics. P.M. Rich, PI.

University of Kansas Techology Grant. $4,771. 1/99–5/99. Development of the TopoView model. P.M. Rich, PI.

USGS. $34,946. 9/96–8/97. Establishment of a National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse (NGDC) Node for Biological Resource Geospatial Data. P.M. Rich, PI, D. Luckey, Co–PI.

USGS. $49,862. 9/97–8/98. Enhancement of a National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse (NGDC) Node for Biological Resource Geospatial Data. P.M. Rich, PI, T. Peterson, Co–PI.

ZeroNet Water-Energy Initiative. "Decision Support Tools for the San Juan Watershed". 4/15/04 to 9/30/05. $175K. Cathy Wilson (PI), Paul M. Rich (Lead for GIS subproject).

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